
58 A. A Sacramental is anything set apart or blessed by the Church to ex– cite good thonghts n.ncl to incr<'asc devotion, and through th<>se move– mcnts of thr heart to remit. venial sin. Q. How do we make the sign of the Crss? A. We make the sign of the cross by putting the right hand to the fore– head, then on the breast, and then to · the left and right shoulders, saying: In the name of the Fa/her, and of the Son and of the Iloly Ghost. Amen. Q. What is holy water? A. Holy wat~r is water blessed by the priest with solemn prnyrr to beg God's blessing on those who use it, and protcction from the powcrs of darkness. Q. Are therr other sacramentals be-