
46 ness. ' ,. Q. Is it gt.ievous offen ce '.wilfully tlo · concea] a mortal sin in Confession? ' . A. It is a grievous offenée wÍ,lfully to conceal a mortal sin in Con-• · ·. fession, because we thereby tc!L ' a líe to the Holy Ghost, and m 1 ake our Confession worthless. . ; , ~ Q.' What must he do who h~s wilfulÍy - concealed a ;mortal sin ih Confes– sion? A. He who has· wilfully concealed a mortal sin in 'Confessjon must 'n-ot only confess it,_ but must also re– peat ali the 'sins he has commit– ed since his last worthy Confession. LESSON SEVENTEENTH. On I ndulgences . Q. What is an Indulgence? A. An Indulgence is the remission in whole or in part of the . temporal ; !