
the chairs of Histology, Experimental Physiology and Bac– teriology at the Central University. To him Venezuela owes the introduction of the microscope and other scientific improvements. But above all else he shone by the holiness of his life which was the model of that of a man of duty and Christian conviction. His daily communion, daily hour of prayer and his visits to the Blessed Sacrament gave him the strength to dedicate himself to works of charity- with his whole soul. He earned the title of "Phisician of the; Poor". He not only attended to them gratis but was in the habit of purchasing their medicines for them. On one of his errands of charty death su.rprised him in a tragic acci– dent. It was God Who surprised him in an act of charity. He called him to Himself. He was a fervent Franciscan Tertiary and deeply devoted Our Lady of Merey, Patroness of Caracas. The many graces received by those who pray to him promted the introduction of the Cause of his Beati– fication. May this patriot, please God, become the first saint of· his beloved Venezuela. Este libro se terminó de imprimir en los talleres de la Imprenta Nacional el día de Nuestra Señoro de Las Mercedes, (!rI Ccnnn1:;, ,1 7.4 do é:,·lir•111hn· d,, l!J. 1 ,:1