
most :heroic virtues from his earliest childhood; particu– larly a most lively Faith, an Angelic Purity and a flaming Charity which became the ladder from which his soul fleed to Thy embrace when Thou didst receive the holocaust of his life. Grant O Lord that the halo of sanctity may soon shine upon his brow if this be for Thy greater glory and the honour of Holy Church. We beg this of Thee, O God, through the merits of Our Lord J esus Christ. Amen. Our Lady of Merey, vouchsafe to obtain from thy Di– vine Son for the Venezuelan people who so tenderly love thee, the signa! favour of the raising to the honours of the devout client JOSE GREGORIO who loved thee beyond all words. O Seraphic St. Francis of Assisi, secure for JOSE GRE– GORIO, this distinguished son of thy Third Order, the su– preme honour of an early elevation to the sacred altar, And thou, St. Theresa of J esus, show us the power of thy inter– cession with God's sovereign Majesty by hastening the day .of his beatification. Amen. (200 days Indulgence each time) Caracas, 2 nd. July 1949. t LUCAS GUILLERMO CASTILLO ARCHBISHOP OF CARACAS. BIOGRAPHY 1864 - 1919 DR. JOSE GREGORIO HERNANDEZ CISNEROS -was born in Isnotu (Trujillo-Venezuela) on the 26 th of October 1864. He graduated as a Doctor of Medicine in Canteas and completed his studies in Europe. He found~- -271-