
474 BENEDICT VADAKKEKARA distinctive character and pattern of behaviour 4 • The scope of the present study is to yet complement the Monumenta Anastasiana by five additional inedited documents, however circumscribed their import may be to the global scene, and to fit them into their historical context as pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. 1. The new(yjottnd docttments The five documents in question directly touch upon the events that con– stituted the closing act of the formal winding up of the administration of the Apostolic Vicariate of Bombay by the Carmelite Fathers. It was a mere irony of fate that the yeoman's service that these missionaries had been carrying out in Bombay for a century and a half was coming to an apparently inglorious end. The untimeliness and the abruptness of the finale notwithstanding, the long years of frugiferous ministry of the Carmelite missionaries stand out as the pe– riod in which the foundation of today's flourishing Archdiocese of Bombay came to be laid on firm footing. The Carmelite Fathers were able to harness the trail-blazing achievements of the Franciscan Observant friars and the others who had preceded them, consolidate the fruits of their toils, and with innova– tiveness and pastoral zeal, pursue the work of establishing Christian communi– ties locally. These five documentary sources have all the same provenance, viz, the General Archives in Rome of the Discalced Carmelites 5 • While only one of them, namely, the third letter (see below), is entirely in Mgr Hartmann's hand, the first and the second have a different person as scribe but both carry the original signature of the Bishop. The fourth and the fifth are two of Mgr Hartmann's letters transcribed and dispatched to Rome from India. DOCUMENTS I-II The body of these two letters is by one and the same calligrapher but both are signed by Mgr Hartmann in person. The addressee's name on one of them too is in the Bishop's handwriting. 6 4 Isidoro de Villapadierna, Una carta inedita de Mons. Anastasio Hartmann (1849), in Co!– lectanea Franciscana 30 (1960) 453-456. 5 Archivum Generale Carmelita.rum Discalceatorum, Rome (hereinafter abbreviated as AGCarm). 6 AGCarm, GranMogu/268-f.