488 BENEDICTVADAK.KEKARA Document III is Mgr Hartmann's letter to Fr General of the Carmelites, for– mally reporting to him the manner in which the individual missionaries would be taking leave of the Vicariate ofBombay. In his capacity as the one responsi– ble for the Vicariate, he makes known to the Genera! that ali •he Carmelite Fathers in the Vicariate, with the exceptions of Joseph Lopez and Thomas, who were the procurator and the vice procurator respectively 34 , were relieved of all their commitments in Bombay and that they were in the position to leave for Malabar3 5 • As a matter of fact Fr Cyril had already taken leave of Bombay. Mgr Hartmann was unable to say when Fr Andrew would be proceeding for his destination, even though he was already on his way to Bombay after leaving his st:i.tion 36 . The Bishop was loud in his praise for Fr Andrew's pastoral zeal. He also observed that he was able to understand Fr Chrysostom's headstrong re– luctance to take up work in Malabar. Without the least hesitation he recom– mended that this Cat:melite missiona.ry' s desire to return to Europe be re– spected37. 34 The proposal of opening an hospice or "procura" for the Cannelite Fathers had ini– tially found favour with the Propaganda as well as with the Apostolic Administrator. How– ever it would not be long before thc project of the procura would prove to be a stillborn idea. 35 Mon11nm1ta Anastasiana, II, 748, Fr Hyacinth of the Most Holy Conception to Cardi– nal Fransoni, Rome 12 December 1253, seeks the approvai of the Propaganda of the provi– sions that the Carmelite Generai Definitory had taken as regards the Order's Bombay Mis– sion: ''Nel supplicare frattanto l'eminenza vostra affinché si degni di approvare queste deli– berazioni, e cli ordinare le disposizioni opportune per la traslocazione dei missionari carme– litani scalzi che sono addetti al vicariato apostolico di Bombay in aiuto di quelli del Malabar assegnando a due di loro in Bombay quell'ospizio e quella chiesa che a questa s. congrega– zione sarà piu benevista...". Frs Joseph Lopez and Thomas were the ones designateci to man the hospice in Bombay. 36 Mo1111n1e11ta Anastasiana, III, 378, Mgr Hartmann to Cardinal Fransoni, Bombay 12 April 1855: "Pater Andreas sicut stationem militarem sine permissione reliquit, sic sine per– missione in Europam profectus est. Ex epistola mihi scripta putabam, eum [reverendissimi patcis) generalis [licentiam] seu obedientiam habuisse". 37 Mom1n,entaA11astasia11a, III, 374-375, Mgr Hartmann to Cardinal Fransooi, Bombay 2 April 1855: "Reverendi pat.res Chrysostom et Ircnacus nullo modo, sive a me, sive ab epis– copo carmelitano in Malabar induci poterant, ut illuc vadant... Pater Chrysostomus adhuc io sua statione militari laborat, eo quod prius responsum a Roma habere voluerit, quam resig– naret stationem". Mo1111menta A11astasiana, III, 388, Cardinal Fransoni to Mgr Hartmann, Rome 16 May 1855: "Circa i due padri Giovanni Crisostomo ed Ireneo, ove persistono di non volersi recare al Malabar, li faccia partire onninamente dalla missione per l'Europa, co– me già le notificai, esigendo autorevolmente l'osservanza delle pontificie disposizioni".
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