FR. ARCHANGEL OF PEMBROKE AND GROTIUS 319' Meudon. Already he was noted for his sound judgment1 9 • Soon he began to hold high office in his province. In 1600 he was elected definitor for the first time and he was going to hold this office many times in subsequent years 20 • In 1608, he accompanied Ange de Joyeuse,. then provincial, to Rome to take part in the General Chapter of the Order held that year. That was to be a sad undertaking; for Ange,. when they reached Rivoli on the way back to France, was to succumb to an illness that had been aggravated by the trying journey. It was Archangel of Pembroke who assisted this intimate friend of his in his extremity 21 • In 1614, in a spirit of enterprise that would surely have received the approval of his grandfather, Roger Barlow, he led a contingent of Capuchin missionaries to Brazil only to return at the end of that year when this missionary enterprise was frustrated by the Portuguese 22 • Residing in Paris as much as he did and where he frequently held the important post of Guardian of the 'grand Couvent' in the Rue Saint-Honore, it was to be expected that he came much into contact 1 9 G0DEFROY DE PARIS, op. cit. I, 190, 198. He is described as one « qui se connaissoit en Proselittes et qui s'y trompoit peu ». 2 0 Annales des Reverends Peres Capucins de la Province de Paris, Bibi. Mazarine, Paris,. ms. 2418, f.163-176; Chapitres provinciaux des Capucins de Paris 1594-1705, Bibi. Mazarine, Paris, ms. 2419, f.42 ss.; Abrege des Annales des Capucins de la Province de Paris, Bibi. Nationale, Paris, ms. Fonds fran,;;. 5859, f.191-206. There is some discrepancy between the· entries regarding Father Archangel in these three documents, all from the pen of Maurice d'Epernay. One can easily accept the statement of Pere Godefroy de Paris regarding the· works of this Annalist; he writes « d'une maniere generale la chronologie en est hesitante. Ces defauts toutefois se remarquent surtout dans les Annales (Bibi. Maz.) et dans l'Abrege· des Annales ». Cf. GODEFROY DE PARIS, op, cit. II, 7, 353; HILDEBRAND [VAN HooGLEDE], op. cit., loco cit. 21 Lours DE GONZAGUE, op, cit., 481; L. OWEN, The Vnmasking of All popish Monks, Priers, and Jesuits, London 1628, 75-76. The evidence of the anti-Catholic Owen is worth citing; he writes: « In the end, this Father Angell and one Father Arch-Angell, otherwise Father· William Barlow, an English Capuchin Frier, who is now lining in Paris, went to Rome to the Chapter General of the Capuchins, about some nineteene yeeres agoe; and in their re– turne home, this Duke-like Capuchin fell sicke of a burning Feuer, and died about Sauoy. Alas, good Frier, he was not vsed to goe such a voiage on foot, as Roan in Normandy is from Rome, being aboue a thousand English miles ». In other parts of this work, Owen has some curious and critical things to say about Capuchins. Cf. FELICE DA MARETO, O.F.M.Cap., Tavole dei Capitoli Generali, Parma 1940, 112-114. 22 RAOUL DE ScnAux, O.F.M.Cap., Les Capucins de la Province de Paris au Maragnan, in Etudes Franc. nouv. ser. 12(1962) 77-83; G. LE GENTIL, Un document inedit sur la seconde expedition des Capucins a Maranhiio en 1614, in Revue d'histoire franc. 2(1925) '376-384; Mmonro DA NEMBR0, op. cit., 45-50; MODESTO REZENDE DE TAUBATE, O.F.M.Cap. - FIDELJs MOTTA DE PRIMmuo, O.F.M.Cap., Os Missionarios Capuchinhos no Brasil. Esbo90 Historico, Sao, Paulo 1929, 28ss. It is stated in this work that Father Archangel baptised natives right and left (a torto e direito, p.30), but see G. Le Gentil art. cit., 378, where it is related that « Archange de Pembroke apres avoir administre le baptisme a 650 indigenes reconnait que le nombre des chreticns sinceres ne s'elevait pas de soixante auxquels ii faut joindre une vingtaine d'enfants ». Cf. MELCI-IIOR A PoDLADURA, O.F.M.Cap., Historia generalis Ordinis Fra– trum M.inorwn Capuccinoruni. Pars prima: 1525-1619, Romae 1947, 329-330.
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