
326 CASSIAN OF STANLEY Grotius did not become a Catholic at that time, and there is, at least, still room for doubt if he was ever reconciled to the Church 41 • Father Archangel continued his apostolate. This included a visit to England, if we can accept the account of the none too reliable Maurice d'Epernay4 2 • He died at the friary in the Rue Saint-Honore on August 24th, 1632. Many additional details might have been added to make our account more attractive, but we must now come to the end of this long essay. We conclude with two reflections on the facts of the incident in this English friar's life which we have made the chief point of this study. Firstly, in the light of this incident, the legend which George Barlow inscribed below a portrait of his brother which he inserted in his manuscript appears less exaggerated. This legend runs : « This is the Picture of Father Archangell, who was much more respected in France than any of the English Nation » 43 • Secondly, it is only in the light of such authentic documents as di Bagno's letter that the appraisement of Father Archangel and his work can be made with more assurance of conformity to historical truth. 41 L. PASTOR, The History of tlze Popes XXIX, London 1938, 274. Here it is stated that, "' in 1644, another intellectual giant of Holland, Hugo Grotius, the founder of international law, 'the miracle of the century...' returned sincerely and humbly to the bosom of the ancient Church». This opinion agrees with that expressed by S. GoRRES, Ist H. Grotius katho– .lisch gestorben?, in Historisch-Politische Blatter 154(1910) lss, 132ss, 161ss. The Nuncio, F. Chigi, mentioned the possibility of the conversion of Grotius in 1641 and 1642. See B.H. KL0NNE, Anzsteldanzensia, Amsterdam 1894, 183ss. However, J.F.M. Sterck (art. cit., 22) writes: " De vraag, of Hugo de Groot als katholiek is afgestorven, werd nog niet afdoende beantwoord, en zal dit ook we! niet kunnen worden, omdat de dood hem in een geheel protestantse -omgeving verraste... ». F.X. Schulte, perhaps the greatest Catholic authority on the religious opinions of Grotius, holds that " the question whether Grotius 'became' a Catholic is still 'sub lite' » (see L. PASTOR, op. cit., 274 n.3). 42 Eloges historiques de tous les g1·ands honunes et tres illustres Religieux de la .Province de Paris. Bib!. Nationale, ms. Fonds fran9. 25046. There is a copy of this manu– .script - an it is this copy which is cited here - in the Capuchin Provincial Library in Paris, ms. 96 p.160-161. Cf. CYPRIEN DE GAMACHES, 0.F.M.Cap., Memoires de la Mission .des Capucins de la Province de Paris pri!.s la Reine d'Angleterre, Paris 1881, 364-366. 43 Cardiff ms. 4.97, f.417v. Unfortunately, this illustration is now missing from the ·manuscript.