
WILLIAM OF VAUROUILLON, O.MIN. 295 According to the Obituary of the friary of Chateauroux, William was not the only member of the family to join the Order. Under date of 25 March, the friars recalled the death in the year of grace 1482 of Guy II de Chauvigny, lord of Chateauroux and viscount of Brosse, who had done much to reform the convent and introduce the Observance despite great opposition, especially from three religious by the name of de Vorillonis, des Vorillons. These for the space of forty years and more had governed the Province of Touraine, and indeed the whole Order in France, being always alternatively, the one provincial, the other guardian of Chateauroux, and the third procurator of the Order for France. Though Bretons from Dinan, they had made Chateauroux their headquarters 25 • Guy was still living in 1478, as he is listed among the benefactors of the Cismontane Chapter held that year at Chateauroux by the Observants 26 • No document to date, however, enables us to identify the other two de Vorillonis. They are all dead before 1482, but since John Britonelli was the procurator at least from 1455 2 7, and Nicholas Gui guardian of Chateauroux even before that, these unnamed friars must have held office at least before 1450, and thus have been William's uncles or older brothers. At the same time, it is not outside the range of possibility (given that the Obituary is a copy of one lost in the Revolution of 1790) that the writer divided William into three personages! He was procurator of the Province of Touraine at Basel, was later provincial, and himself speaks of a period of residence at Chateauroux, where he was well known and liked and perhaps could have been the guardian! 2. - Studies The earliest definite date we have of William's life is 1427, when the General Chapter of Casale assigned him to Paris to read the Sentences and proceed to the doctorate 28 • When he entered the 25 E. HUBERT, Obituaire du couvent des Cordeliers de Chdteauroux. Publie d'apres l'originale conserve aux archives dep. de l'Indre, Paris 1885, 21. See also Revue d'Hist. Franc. 1(1924) 485-486. 26 See the Acta capitularia published by M. Courtecuisse, Actes du chapitre des freres mineurs de /'Observance cismontaine tenu ii Chdteauroux en 1478, in Rev.d'Hist.Franc. 1(1924) 492. 27 See below, on the affaire Chdteauroux. Britonelli began as bacc. biblicus at Paris Sept. 1433; as bacc. sent. Sept. 1435; licensed 22 Dec. 1439, and master 30 May 1440 (Chartul. nn. 2435, 2466, 2468, 2541). He seems to have acted as procurator already in 1448, when h~ approached the University for a decision on the relic of the Precious Blood at La Rochelle (ibid., n.2634; see also below, note 63). 28 The records of this Chapter are no longer extant; but that it appointed William to Paris is evident from a letter of Martin V, 30 Sept. 1428. The Pontiff had previously granted special permission to Lawrence de S. Silvestro de Urbe to finish his course at Paris, in