
WILLIAM OF VAUROUILLON, O,MIN. 293 in the forest of Fougeres, the same form seems almost surely to have been employed by his father, Duke John V, as cited by Langlois. c) Vaurillon-Vorillon Since Wiliam was registered in his own presence as Vorillon at the Council of Basel (1433), while other documents procured by him read Vaurillon, we are not wrong in concluding that he himself simplified his surname by dropping the de and changing the French diphthong au (save in French documents) to the long Latin o, to produce Vorillon. Two pieces in the French National Archives, the one Latin, the other French, read Vaurillon; while this form is found also in the catalogue of the library of Jean d'Orleans: De anima Vaurillon7, and is adopted by d'Argentn~ 8 • On the other hand, apart from the register of Basel, Vorillon appears only after William's death; e.g., in a retraction made at Cambrai in 1466; in a manuscript of John Findling, O.F.M. (Ingolstadt, 1512-1516) 9 ; and in a late copy of the obituary of Chateauroux. d) Mi s c e 11 an e o us form s From Vaurillon or Vorillon are derived a number of variants in both manuscript and printed sources: Vorrilong (ed. 1496); Varrilion, before 15031°; Vorrilon, Vorrillon and Vorrilong (all in edition of 1510); Varallon 11 ; Vorilio11 12 ; Vorilongus, Varilongus, and Forleon 13 • Before one opts for one form of William's name - a form that 7 Cf. G. DuPONT-FERRIER, Jean d'Orleans, comte d'Angouleme, d'apres sa bibliotheque (Bib!. de la faculte des lettres de Paris, fasc. 3, 1897, 38-92), n.50, p.66. s Collectio Iudiciorum I, Paris 1728, p.250. This is the document published in Chartul. Univ.Paris. IV, n.2634, p.682, where the editors use de Valle-Rullonis! o Cf. R. MENTH, O.F.M., Bine bisher unbekannte Handschrift von P. Joh. Findling O.F.M., in Franz.Stud. 14(1927) 346-349. Also found in Clm 11965, according to Pelster, art. cit., 49. 10 Cod. Vat. Ottob. lat. 476, f.226a: Summaria recapitulatio... sumpta ex Collectario mag. Guillermi Varrilionis. - Cf. V. DouCET, O.F.M., Commentaires sur les Sentences. Suppl. au Repert. de M. Fr. Stegmueller, in Arch.Franc.Hist. 47(1954) n.306, p.126. A note on f.2v, we might add, reads in part: « lncepi legere hunc quartum... anno d. 1503 die 4 aprilis ». Another ms. with the same title but without the complete text is Cambridge, Peterhouse 16, f.149r-150r. 11 In Paris B.N. lat. 12390, f.3lr, mentioned in QuETIF-ECHARD, Scriptores Ord. Praed. I, Paris 1719, 825a. Cf. also M.-D. CHENU, Sang du Christ, in Dict.Theol.Cath. XIV, 1094. 12 Thus P. RIDOLFI Toss., Historiarum seraphicae religionis libri tres, Venetiis 1576, f.319b. 13 Surprisingly, Forleon is the form used by Trithemius writing in 1493-94, in De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, Paris 1512, f.180r. As a result, Luke Wadding was led to distin– guish between William Vorilongus and William Forleon, in Scriptores Minorum, Romae 1650, 152b and 157b.