
310 IGNATIUS BRADY of Rome (1450), quite likely that of Perugia (1453) 97 ; in 1454 he was, no doubt, among the 1436 friars who gathered at Bologna on 8 June under Vicar General Giacomo da Mozzanica 98 ; and again, assisted at the chapters of Milan (1457) and Rome (1458). In 1455 or before, he was involved in the construction of a chapel honoring St. Ber– nardin in the friars' church at Tours, which was granted special indulgences by Pope Callistus III9 9 • He is likely the minister of Touraine who is mentioned in a document of the Chapter of Dijon (1461) 100 • It was here perhaps that William met Francesco della Rovere, whom he was soon to know again in Rome. We have followed Vaurouillon through his years as provincial, to 1461, and shall presently rehearse his last days in Rome. At this point, perhaps, it may be opportune to suggest that once for all we discard as completely unfounded the claim that he was or became a Colettine! Sbaralea does write: lucet fuisse Congregationis Colle– tanorum, but offers no proof. The only author (hardly an authority) who can be cited for such a claim is the Dux Coletanorum, the famous and infamous Friar Boniface de Ceva, who in his Defensorium elucidativum (May 1516) speaks of William as of congregatio nostra 101 • Yet this work is little more than the diatribe, una irosa, velenosa e prepotente diatriba 102 , of a sick and angry man. 5. - Rome 1462-1463 The last two years of William's life are fairly well known through two controversies in which he was involved: the famous dispute on the Precious Blood evoked by the Easter sermon of St. James of the 97 Perhaps he shared a banquet given by the city officials for the General and some ten other ministers provincial and masters of theology. Cf. A. FANTOZZI, O.F.M., De Fr. Angelo Christophori Perusino, M. Gen. Ordinis: documenta (1413-1453), in Arch.Franc.Hist. 11(1918) 194. The names of some delegates are known through the State Archives of Bologna; cf. C. PIANA, Si/loge, in Arch.Franc.Hist. 50(1957) 37s. 98 Cf. C. CENCI, O.F.M., Statuti di Fr. Giacomo da Mozzanica (1454), in Arch.Franc.Hist. 56(1963) 242. See C. PIANA, art. cit., 38, for a delegate from Burgundy. 99 Bull.Franc. n.s. II, n.110, p.59. 100 « Maturo et de!iberato consilio cum reverendis ministris Francie, Burgundie, Tu– ronie, Provincie... A.D. 1461 et die 26 maii ». Edited by P. UBALD o'ALEN<;ON, O.F.M.Cap., Do– cuments sur la reforme de Ste. Colette en France, in Arch.Franc.Hist. 3(1910) 97. 101 J .H. SBARALEA, Supplementum et castigatio ad Scriptores trium ordinum s. Francisci, ed. nova, Romae 1908, 351. I have been unable to locate the Defensorium elucidativum Observantie regularis fratrum minorum, published without place or date, but printed at Paris 1516. I have taken the notice from E. Wegerich, Bio-bibl. Notizen, 193, n.11. On this work of de Ceva, cf. M. BIHL, Fra Bonifazio da Ceva (t 1517) e i suoi giudizi su Bernardino da Siena, in Studi Franc. s.III 17(1945) 151-153; on Boniface's career and character, ibid., 133ss, and H. LIPPENS, O.F.M., in Arch.Franc.Hist. 44(1951) 45-60. 102 M. BIHL, Fra Bonifazio, 152. Nicholas Glassberger has some harsh, though just, judgments on this Bonifacius immo Malefacius, falsarius ille, in his Chronica, in Anal.Franc. II, 522-523, 534.