
WILLIAM OF VAUROUILLON, O.MIN. 301 count of Montfort, and then confirmed by his father, John V, duke of Brittany 60 • In describing this foundation, which became a formal religious house, apparently, only in 1494, Gonzaga states that William was the duke's confessor, and dates the foundation as of 1464. He offers no proof of William's relation to the duke; and from other sources it is evident that by 11 September 1444 Friar Peter Lenet alias Renys was confessor to the count 6 1, who succeeded his father in August 1442. Perhaps William was the count's spiritual father at the time. William did not finish his days at Fougeres, for he had another twenty or more years to live. In September 1447 he was back in Paris, where he attained the license 29 January 1448 (new style) under Gerard de Fuleti and was made master of theology on the first of April 62 • At the beginning of May he is spoken of as magister regens, and commissioned with four others to decide whether a relic of the Precious Blood preserved in the Franciscan church of La Rochelle was authentic. The bishop of that city, Guy de la Roche, and others had opposed any veneration, arguing that at the Re– surrection Christ had reassumed all his Blood; others, the Franciscans among them, asserted that he had left some of it on earth. The commission reported to the faculty of theology on 28 May, and after much deliberation the said faculty concluded that« it is not repugnant to the piety of the faithful to believe that some of the Blood of oo For the action of Count Francis I, cf. E. PAUTREL, Le couvent de Saint-Franr;ois de la foret de Fougeres, in Bulletin et memoires de la Societe archeologique d'llle-et-Vilaine 52 (Rennes 1925) 63-104 (known to me only through the Rev.d'Hist.Franc 3[1926] 327-328, and Rev.d'Hist.Egl.France 12[1926] 264). We have already referred (note 5) to the letter of John V, 29 Jan. 1441 (apparently, 1442 new style): « Lettres de Jean V ratificatives d'autres lettres de Fran9ois de Bretagne, comte de Montfort, fils aine du due, datees du 24 jan. 1441, par lesquelles celui-ci avait concede a frere Guillaume Vaurouillon et autres ses freres, de l'ordre de s. Fran9ois, daris sa foret de Fougeres, un emplacement 'nomme le Pas au Moulinier', pour edifier un hermitage, avec trois journaux de terre et le droit d'usage en lad. foret pour leurs bois de construction et de chauffage ». 01 GONZAGA, De origine seraph. relig., Romae 1587, 674. On Peter Lenet, see Bull.Franc. n.s. I, Quaracchi 1929, n.812, 1136, 1199, 1210, 1260. It is beyond our subject to pursue the further history of this convent. Yet we may call attention to a Bull of Alexander VI, ac– cording to which Fougeres or Landedan, as it came to be called, was a hermitage used by the Observants, and now (1494) enlarged to a point where it can accomodate twenty or more friars (in WADDING, Annales XV, 517-518; ed. Quaracchi, 610-611). To this extent Gonzaga errs in saying there were nullae ponti{Lciae literae seu bullae concerning the place. 02 Chartul.Univ.Paris. IV, n.2625 (p.677); B.N.lat. 15440, p.31, which gives William as Robert de Valle Roulonis (cf. France Franciscaine 1[1912] 309). - Gerard Feulleti, Fuleti, Fueil– let, Feullet, and de Salinis, was bacc. sent. 1425; licent. 31 Dec. 1429; incepted 30 March 1430; magister regens Sept. 1430; present at the trial of Jeanne d'Arc 18 Feb. to 4 March 1431, and with Jacques Textor and two others was chosen to carry twelve articles to Paris and induce the University to condemn La Pucelle: he is among the masters who judged her visions were false (Chartul., n.2257, 2338, 2345, 2351, 2378-79, 2380, 2382; France Francis– caine 1[1912] 308). MMP I - 22