
300 IGNATIUS BRADY spelt that was neither wheat nor oats: surely not valid matter. In Brittany, spelt is called paumelle; in the region of Poitiers, besorge, because it has a grain like barley; and this species too is not valid. Again, the word is used in certain parts of Germany (Alamania) for a kind that makes a fine white bread, from a grain like to « our wheat», at which I took a close look. This species I saw in general use for Mass at Basel: validly indeed, for it has all the qualities of true wheat 56 • When William was at Genoa, we cannot well determine, unless it were on the same journey that took him in the summer of 1433 to the Council of Basel, where he was incorporated with Nicholas Gui, 18 September, as procurators for the Province of Tours 57 • How long he remained at the Council is not apparent; neither friar appears again in the Protocols. Again, discussing a question of matrimony between Titius and Bertha (who have had a long life!), William proposes a case of impotence which he saw while living in Chateauroux 58 • From later events we gather he was well known to the people of that town; possibly then he was guardian there before 1438 or 1440. Certainly some time before he returned to Paris he composed his V ademecum to the Opus Anglicanum of Duns Scotus, an accomplishment which would indicate a period of teaching or of comparative quiet 59 • We need not exclude the possibility likewise that in this period (though not immediately after leaving Paris) William may have commented on the Sentences at Poitiers, a tenuous suggestion derived from his surprising use of the Summa of Godfrey of Poitiers in the fourth book of the Sentences: a Summa long since forgotten by other scholastics! Lastly, from two sources already mentioned we know that William was in Brittany in 1441-1442, where he, as William Vaurouillon, bachelor of theology, and Jacques des Lieux, master of theology, were given land in the forest of Fougeres to build a hermitage and there « finish their days»! The grant was made first by Francis I, 56 In IV Sent., d.11, a.3, f.247b-c. 57 « Die veneris xviiia Septembris Miiijcxxxiij 0 fuit congregacio generalis, in qua fue– runt incorporati... frater Guillermus Woril!on [or Vorillon, in Cod.Vat.Regin. 1017, as the variant notes] et Nicolaus Guidonis ordinis Minorum procuratores provinciae Turonensis... ,, (Protokolle des Concils 1431-1433, aus dem Manuale des Notars Bruneti und einer romischen Handschrift. Herausg. von J. Haller [Concilium Basiliense. Studien und Quellen II]. Basel 1897, 482-483. 15 a In IV Sent,, d,34, a,3, 2 diffi.cultas, f.286b; (( Hunc casum accidcre vidi dum in con– ventu Castri Rodulphi commanebam, in quadam notabili domicella... ». 59 In IV Sent., d.11, a.2, f.247b: « Unde motus doctor solemnis dicit, Quolibet 3, q.6, 8, 15, 20, et in multis aliis locis que notavi in tractatu quern composui de opinionibus que sunt in doctore subtili... ». For editions of the Vademecum, cf. E. WEGERICH, Bio-bibl. Notizen, 196-197; and Arch.Franc.Hist. 56(1963) 333.