
IGNATIUS BRADY, O.F.M. WILLIAM OF VAUROUILLON, O.MIN. (t 1463) A BIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY Buried in an unmarked and unknown grave in the Roman church of Aracoeli, William of Vaurouillon, scholastic of Paris, teacher at Poitiers, provincial of Touraine, deserves a commemoration for the fifth centenary of his death. Known in his own day as an outstanding Scotist and theologian, he is almost forgotten now, save in passing references in the tomes of history. What is here offered, is at most an attempt to reconstruct his biography and unravel some chrono– logical problems. Building on what has already been written on Vaurouillon1, we hope by some new research to give more precision to certain details. His contribution to Scotism and theology we shall treat elsewhere 2 • 1. - Name and birthplace Some years ago the late Father Franz Pelster opted for Vaurouaut, Cotes-du-Nord, as William's birthplace 3 • His choice was soon rejected by Charles-V. Langlois, in the Histoire litteraire de France. While M. Langlois offered no alternative, he emphatically claimed that Vaurouillon was the correct form of our scholastic's birthplace or 1 Cf. F. PELSTER, S.J., Wilhelm van Vorillon, ein Skotist des 15. Jahrhunderts, in Franz.Studien 8(1921) 48-66, and his article Wilhelm v. Vorillon, in Lex.Theol.Kirche ix, 910; Erich WEGERICH, O.F.M., Biobibliographische Notizen uber Franziskanerlehrer des 15. Jahrhun– derts, in Franz.Stud. 29(1942) 193-197; APOLLINAIRE [DE SAINT-RENAN], O.F.M.Cap., Vorilongus Guillaume, in Dict.Theol.Cath. XV, 3471-3472; Ignatius BRADY, O.F.M., The « Liber de anima » of William of Vaurouillon O.F.M., in Mediaeval Studies 10(1948) 225-297; 11(1949) 247-307. The Archivist General of the Friars Minor Conventual, Fr. Antonio Coccia, as well as Fr. Ba– silius Pandzic, General Archivist and Annalist of the Friars Minor, both assure me that nothing is to be found on Vaurouillon in the respective Archives. 2 See William of Vaurouillon: Fifteenth Century Scotist, to appear in Studies in Philos– ophy and the History of Philosophy 3(1964), a number devoted to the seventh centenary of the birth of John Duns Scotus. a F. PELSTER, in Franz.Stud: cit., 48; Lex.Theol.Kirche 1 X, 910. Actually Denifle-Chatelain had suggested this earlier in Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis IV, 678 note; it was adopted by P. Apollinaire also.