
174 SERVUS OF ST. ANTHONIS when he devoted six pages of text to it in his catalogue. In their dissertation on the writings of the Seraphic Doctor the Quaracchi Editors schedule our treatise among other spurious writings 3 • Refer– ring, with a slight error, to the pages of Father Fidelis' catalogue,. they restrict themselves to giving a meagre incipit and a slightly inex- · act explicit, and only add this new statement: « Haec habetur in solo codice biblioth. Basileensis, cod. A. VI. 34. chart. in 8. saec. XV. Opus certe non est scriptum a S. Bonaventura ». No further character– istic is added and the exact paging of the work in the manuscript is missing. Evidently, they relied upon the notes of Father Fidelis and did not see the manuscript themselves. We have to wait until 1937 before getting new information about our treatise. Almost hidden in the extremely dense columns of the article on Saint Bonaventure in the Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de Geographie Ecclesiastiques Father Ephrem Longpre mentions a second manuscript of the Symbolica theologia, and this time a complete· one". He gives also some other indications. The work is suggested to· be Bonaventurian by origin, though in its actual form it is an arrange– ment, made by an anonymous Franciscan who had access to the notes of the Saint: « Sous le nom de saint Bonaventure se trouve aussi un opuscule, De symbolica theologia, conserve entierement dans le ms. 232, f 0 42-87 de Toulouse et en partie dans le cod. A. VI. 28 de l'universite de Bale; sous sa forme actuelle l'opuscule a ete ordonne par un franciscain qui a utilise les notes de saint Bonaventure ». For obvious, though not justificable, reasons a disciple of Father Longpre recently ranked our treatise among the authentic works of Saint Bonaventure discovered after the Quaracchi edition, with the re-– striction however that it is a « reportatio » 5 • Since there is no adequate description of the two miscellaneous codices that contain our treatise, we shall first of all give an account of their contents. Next, we will see what can be established about the authenticity of the Symbolica theologia, its origin, the time of composition, and briefly run through its ten distinctions. Finally,. we edit the prologue of our treatise with the table of contents as found in the Toulouse manuscript, and by way of example three chapters on the Franciscan and Dominican Order and one on worldly philosophy. s De scriptis seraphici Doctoris, pars II, cap. 3 : Opera omnia X, Quaracchi 1902, 28 ... See also Opera omnia VIII, Quaracchi 1898, CXVI. • E. LONGPRE, art. Bonaventure (Saint): Dict.Hist.Geogr.Eccl. IX, Paris 1937, 782. • J.G. BouGEROL, Introduction a l'etude de Saint Bonaventure, Paris 1961, 250.