
THE PSEUDO-BONAVENTURIAN « SYMBOLICA THEOLOGIA » 183 from the Lincoln bishop, that is from Robert Grosseteste, though the schematic outline suits the character of master Adam. To Holy Scripture, its roots, abundance, effectiveness, contents and fourfold meaning, five chapters are dedicated in the sixth distinction. The seventh distinction comments, in thirteen chapters, upon the ministers of God's word, namely preachers and doctors, the sovereign Pontiff, the Pope together with his College, several groups of Saints, students in Holy Scripture, and also upon celestial wisdom, wordly philosophy (this chapter is published in the appendix) 18 and the study of law. The last three distinctions have a common heading, « On the state of the Church», but they specify their subject. In the eighth dis– (inction this subject are the members of the Church, both laymen and religious. But, « about the figures of the laity no discussion is neces– sary, for their state need not be stressed». So our treatise dwells only upon the religious, the life of the righteous, the unity and newness of the Church, and in the last, fifteenth chapter upon the material building of the church and its dedication. The three initial chapters of this distinction, on the mendicant Orders, the Franciscans and Dominicans, we edit in the appendix 19 • Another aspect of the state of the Church is the assault of the devil. It is elaborated in the ninth distinction by eleven chapters, that chiefly relate to the arms of the devil which are the sins. But the Church receives help from God. Hereof treat the eighteen chapters of the tenth distinction. After a chapter on grace and virtue in general, the figures and symbols are expounded of each of the divine and moral virtues and of the sacraments. Although these lists of Scripture texts are rather tedious, they are not without in– terest for iconographers. prout a magnis doctoribus, scilicet episcopo Lincolniensi et fratre Adam de Marisco in eorum scriptis reperi introductas ». No mention occurs of a treatise De Luce of Adam Marsh; all the less reason is there to affirm, as E. Longpre does, that Bonaventure studied it. Cf. Dict.HiHst.Geogr.Eccl. IX, 746: « D'apres un opusculc inedit, le De symbolica theologia, .dont ii sera question plus loin, ii [Bonaventure] etudia aussi un traite De luce d'Adam de Marisco, ce qui exp!ique pourquoi sa metaphysique de la lumiere reproduit la doctrine des perspectivistes d'Oxford ». 1s See below p.189-192. 19 See below p.192-195.