
Carlos Gil Arbiol 58 | Cuestiones Teológicas, Vol. 45, No. 103 (Enero-junio, 2018) novedad les lanzaron más allá de sus fronteras culturales y nacionales para construir un proyecto que, de hecho, sentó las bases para posteriores modelos de interculturalidad. Palabras clave Naciente cristianismo, Interpretaciones de la muerte de Jesús, Cruz, Innovación religiosa, interculturalidad. Abstract After the death of Jesus, his followers had to face the falling short of their expectations. Sources refer to a series of intense experiences that were originated in the memory of the traumatic death of Jesus and that made possible to see the latter in a new light: important figures of the Old Testament (such as the servant, the righteous or Isaac) served as role models to overcome the failure and, thus, understanding and experiencing that Jesus and his teachings of the Kingdom of God were alive. The consequences they had to learn of this novelty pushed them out of their national and cultural boundaries, and made possible for them to undertake a project that, in fact, were to become the starting point for later models of interculturality. Key Words Early Christianity, Interpretations of the Death of Jesus, Cross, Religious Innovation, Interculturality. Resumo Com a morte de Jesus, seus seguidores e seguidoras tiveram que afrontar o fracasso de suas próprias expectativas. As fontes referem uma série de experiências intensas que tiveram sua origem na lembrança da morte traumática de Jesus e que serviram para compreendê-la com nova luz: figuras do Antigo Testamento (Servo, Justo, Isaac, etc.) serviram como modelos de sentido que permitiram superar o fracasso e, assim compreender e experimentar que Jesus e sua proposta do reino de Deus estavam vivos. As consequências que tiraram dessa novidade os lançaram mais além de suas fronteiras culturais e nacionais para