
74 REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE TEOLOGIA.-Tarsicio de Azcona hecho pilarista en el transcurso del tiempo llega a convertirse en foco de irradiación del cristianismo en Aragón. Para que cumpla su misión, necesita purificación y renovación. SUMMARY Notes on the apostolic origin of Christianism in Aragon These notes constitute a preliminary atempt at defining and ana– lyzing the information available, so as to overcome the historical difficulties made up of supernatural and miraculous elements. One must use appropriate language, and not involve theology, lithurgy or ecclesiastical teaching when it is unnnecessary. There are times when religious events acquire historical importance ; and only then must historians take note of them. Saint James has given rise to two thaditions, whose origins are independent: one centred in San– tiago de Compostela, and the other in Zaragoza. Pilgrims on their way to worship Saint James in Compostela passed through Zaragoza, and in the middle ages this city developed its own religious tradition. To be properly understood this must be set in the context of the great historical cycles of religious fervour and visions of the Virgin Mary. The author proposes the critica} analysis of a collection of documents on the worship of Zaragoza's Virgin of the Pilar; and also a bibliographical study, in chronological order, that summarizes the content and contributions that each author and each cultural movement has added to this particular cult. In the c01.Írse of time the veneration of the Virgin of the Pilar became a centre of diffusion of Christianism in Aragon, but in order for it to accomplish this mission, it needs purifying and revitalizing.