
KAREL HUBKA THE SYLLOGISTIC OF VALERIANUS MAGNI AND HIS USE OF THE MODAL PARTICLES « NECESSARIO/IMPOSSIBILE » l. The logical tracts of Valerianus Magni In the following the syllogistic of the Capuchin monk Valerianus Magni (1586-1661) is compared with the traditional forn of Aristo– telian syllogistic which was current in the philosophic2.l textbooks of his contemporaries. An inquiry into Valerianus' use of the modal particles « necessario/impossibile » is made, followed by an attempt to clarify· the reasons for Valerianus' .choice of the Aristotelian modes Barbara/Darii, Celarent/Ferio, Camestres/Baroco as a basis for the formulation of his own six « modi perfectissimi » 1 • The principal data for Valerianus' syllogistic are to ::>e found in his systematic textbook on philosophy: Opus philosophicum, Litho– misslij 1660. The Anti-Aristotelian orientation typical for the Capuchin Order; which was due to the older ecclesiastical tradition, i.e. Augustin– ianism, finds its expression in the organization of the whole book. Part one (p. 1-152) contains a survey of Aristotle's philosophy sups plemented by Valerianus' criticism, while Valerianus' positive doc– trine is stated in part two: Operis philosophici pars secunda seu Philosophia Valeriani, the remaining two thirds of his \\."ork (1-315). Inside this part about a fifth (9~68) is devoted to logic, the remainder deals with metaphysics. The logical tracts of immediate importance for Valerianus' syllogistic are: the fourth, « Syllogismus formalis », esp. chapters 3 to 6, « De essentia illationis et syllogismi, Differentiae syllogismi, Vis illativa conclusionis, Principia regulativa Syllogismo· rum» (13-19) and the seventh, « Exercitatio logica », esp. chapters 2 1 For a detai.led analysis of Valerianus' philosophy as well as for a full description of his life and activities, the reader is reierred to the treatise by S. Sousedik, Valerianus Magni (1586-1661). Pfispevek le dejindm transcendentalismu (manuscript written in the years ·1976-77). It is to him that I owe my thanks for drawing my attentior: to Valetianus' logic and permitting me to use the text of Valeriarius' Opus philosophict.m. - Cf. also: G. Cygan, Opera Valeriani Magni velut manuscripta tradita aut typis impressa, in Collectanea Franciscana 42 (!972) 119-178, 309-352; id., Vita prima Valeriani Magni, a Nicolao de Lucca et Ludovico de .Salice descripta, ibid. 45 (1975) 213-249. 14