
CHRONICLE OF 1994 417 organized at Leeds (Yorkshire) from 4 to 7 July with a vast programme that unfolded in 244 sessions. From the Congress Booklet we shall enumerate the Franciscan themes: (sess. No 819) B. Roest, Franciscan historiography in the Mediterranean World; (sess. 903) H.C. Turrentine, Oratory of San Bernardino of Siena and the Angel Musicians of Agostino di Duccio; (sess. 904) M. Cusato, Criticisms of the first crusade of Louis IX (1248): the Franciscan Joachites and Brother Elias; (sess. 914) S. Mul– ler, Handeln und sittliche Erkenntnis bei Wilhelm van Ockham; (sess. 919) St. Cordova, Decretals and Mendicants and the pastoral care; (same sess.) J. Ginther, Fish, nets and the New Theology: Robert Grosseteste's theological programme at Oxford; (sess. 1013) G. Gereby, Antonio Tram– beta on divine foreknowledge: the Scotist and the Thomist approach; (sess. 1018) K. Rivers, The use and study of Classical authors in the Mendicant Studia; (sess. 1206) Ch. Braider, "Hoe est corpus meum": Franciscan imi– tation and Eucharistic presence in the paintings of Ciotta and the tales of Fra Giovanni delta Verna. At Tagliacozzo (L' Aquila) a symposium on the first biographer of St Francis entitled Tommaso da Celano storico e santo was organized on 6-7 August under the auspices of the Abruzzo Province of the Friars Minor Conventual. The papers presented were: N. Petrone, Dati biografici di /ra Tommaso da Celano; A. Pompei, Da Tommaso da Celano a Bonaventura. Le antiche /anti narrative /rancescane e la "Questione fran– cescana "; F. Cardini, Tommaso storico di san Francesco; G. Odoardi, Tommaso nella memoria delta regione Abruzzo lungo i secoli; M. D'Alatri, Tommaso uomo di Dia; S. Sanna, La causa di beatificazione di Tommaso da Celano; P. Magro, Francesco e Maria negli scritti de! Celano. Cf. Comm. O.F.M.Conv. 91 (1994) 369-383. Sponsored by the "Movimento di Dinamizai;:ao Bfulica" of the Ca– puchins of Portugal, the National Biblical Week XVIII with its focal theme A mulher na Biblia, na lgreja e na sociedade took place at Fatima from 21 to 26 August. The proceedings have been published in the periodical Biblica. Serie cientffica 2 (1994) n. 3, 264 pp. The "Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule" in Munster i. W., run jointly by the Friars Minor and the Capuchins, organized at Schonau from 23 to 26 August the thirty-second "Tagung" of the Franciscan Academy on the theme Risikogesellschaft. Au/ der Suche nach Orientierung einer uniiberschaubaren Welt. The last of the eight papers was: L. Leh– mann, Die streng gepriigte Lebens/orm der Klarissen - eine Antwort au/ die Risikogesellscha/t?