
CHRONICLE OF 1994 415 The "Ecole Frarn;:aise" of Rome organized on 21 March a seminar on the theme: I sermoni di Federico Visconti (t 12 77), arcivescovo di Pisa: problemi di metodo e di storia. \Y.!e report here two of the papers: M. Soriani Innocenti, I sermoni in onore di san Francesco nella raccolta di Federico Visconti; P. Bourgain, Le latin vivant au XIII' siecle. Les sermons de Federico Visconti compares aux ecrits d'Antoine de Padoue, Salimbene et Jacques de Voragine. At Vetralla (Viterbo) in the cycle of conferences on history, costu– me, and local and regional traditions organized by the Council of Cultu– re of the Comune on 7 April, M. D'Alatri read the paper: Padre Ippolito da Vetralla (t 1963) e la sua esperienza missionaria in Africa. On 14-16 April the Association "Biblioteca Salita dei Frati" held m the Capuchin friary of Lugano a seminar on Il mestiere dello storico dell'eta moderna. La vita economica nei secoli XVI-XVIII, with two papers on each of the four following themes: proto-industrialization, agriculture, commerce and demography; the seminar concluded with a round-table discussion. On the occasion of the centennial of the publication of P. Saba– tier's Vie de saint Franrois, the International Society of Franciscan Stu– dies of Assisi organized on 15 April a colloquium in which L. Pellegrini spoke on Il dibattito sulla "Vie de saint Franrois" di Paul Pabatier tra ideologia e /ilologia. Consequent upon the decision of the cultural Institution "Fundai;:ao Oriente" to hold seminars on Franciscan history, the first one with fourteen papers and dedicated to the theme O franciscanismo em Portugal - seculos XIII-XVI, was hosted on 22-24 April in the historic friary of Arrabida (Setubal). The second seminar took place in December and focused on La provincia /ranciscana da An·dbida - seculos XVI e XVII. Cf. Itinerarium 40 (1994) 131-137. The cultural Centre "Rosetum" of the Theological Study of the Capuchins of Milan on 5-6 May devoted a seminar to the theme L 'uo– mo tra natura e progetto: ripensando liberta e verita verso un progetto antropologico comune. The eight papers read on the occas10n were by academics from different universities. The Franciscan Institute of Spirituality of the "Antonianum" of Rome in collaboration with the Cultural Association "Eteria" of the Capuchins of Parma held at Seli;:uk (Turkey) on 5-6 May its Symposium V dedicated to the Apostle St John, the theme being the Apostle's doctrine in the first Christian writers. The same Franciscan Institute