
414 ISIDORO DE VILLAPADIERNA de Armellada, El camino hacia la beati/icaci6n de Juan Duns Escoto, maestro clave en la espiritualidad /ranciscana; E. Rivera, Estetica francisca– na y meta/fsica de Escoto; A. de Villalmonte, El giro antropol6gico de la teologfa actual en la perspectiva del Beato Juan Duns Escoto; Bernardino de Armellada, Mensaje de justicia, paz y !ibertad desde el pensamiento del Beato Juan Duns Escoto; I. Manzano, El principio de libertad, intui– ci6n fundamental de! pensamiento escotista; J.A. Merino, Rasgos fundamen– ta!es de la espiritualidad franciscana en Escoto. The papers of Bernardino de Armellada, E. Rivera and A. Villalmonte were published in Naturale– za y Gracia (Salamanca) 41 (1994) fasc. 2-3: Homenaje al Beato Juan Duns Escoto. At the Centre of culture and spirituality "Duns Scoto", attached to the Marian sanctuary of the Capuchin Friars in Gibilmanna (Paler– mo), the "Progetto Pace" held its third Session on 12 February with a seminar devoted to the formation of a University of Peace. The fourth Session that met on 16 April consisted of a Congress, in which among the various papers read, were the following: F.R. Carrara, La pace dona di Dio a /rate Francesco. Missione pro/etica dell'Ordine /rancesca- 110; C. Cargnoni, Iconogra/ia e biogra/ia di fra Giammaria da Tusa; M.G. Ambrosini, La semiotica in Duns Scoto. In the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical Athenaeum "Anto– nianum" in Rome, a symposium entitled Etiche a confronto was held on 3 March with the presentation of the following papers: C. Huber, L'etica nascosta di L. Wingenstein; 0. Todisco, La morale come Fi!osofia prima in E. Levinas; T. Di Stefano, Il ruolo dell'etica nella struttura del!'esistenza secondo S. Kierkegaard; I. Tonna, Il criteria volontaristico nell'etica di Ockham. The "Philosophisches Seminar B" and the St Bonaventure Universi– ty, N. Y. together organized in Bonn from 13 to 18 March an Interna– tional Conference entitled The Metaphysics and Ethics of John Duns Scotus. New Research Developments, in which internationally renowned scholars presented in all thirty-seven papers and communications grouped into six sections: I. The philosophical works by John Duns Scotus: dating, authenticity and tradition; II. Scotus in historical perspective. The Sco– tism in Scotus' sources; III. Basic problems of Scotus' Metaphysics: Univocation and individuation; IV. Modal theory, existence of God; V. Basic problems of Ethics. In Section VI, Scotus today, there were statements by M. McCord Adams, C. Berube, L. Honnefelder, W. Klu– xen and A.B. Wolter.