
CHRONICLE Of 1994 413 Baggini and A. Bertone (XXIII-131 pp., see above, 410); 7/2. Idem, Messa, salmi e polytoni (XIV-116 pp.). The two reviews of the Friars Minor of Germany Franziskanische Studien 75 (1993) and Wissenschaft und \Veisheit 56 (1993), merged into one with effect from 1994; the new review's title is Wissenschaft und Weisheit. Franziskanische Studien zu Theologie, Philosophie und Geschichte 57 (1994), published by Dietrich-Coelde-Verlag at Werl. Cf. Wiss. Weish. 56 (1993) 188s, 57 (1994) 3-5. II. MEETINGS, CONFERENCES AND SYMPOSIA At the seventy-fourth Annual Meeting of the Catholic Historical Association with its affiliated societies held at San Francisco from 6 to 9 January on European and American topics, in the last session J. T. Talar read the paper Saint of authority and Saint of the spirit: Paul Sabatier's "Vie de saint Franr;ois d'Assise". Cf. Cath. Hist. Rev. 80 (1994) 298-302. At the third Symposium on B. Antonio Vici da Stroncone e l'Osser– vanza francescana organized in the San Francesco Friary of Stroncone by the Umbrian Province of the Friars Minor under the auspices of the Comune, the following papers were presented: C. Cargnoni, La for– mazione iniziale dei fratelli laici nell'Osservanza; M. Sensi, Vita di pieta a San Francesco di Stroncone in eta moderna; G. Rosati, La spiritualita de! fratello non sacerdote; M. D'Alatri, Il beato Antonio e i Fraticelli; S. Gieben, Iconografia de! B. Antonio. The St Bonaventure Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the "Seraphi– cum", Rome, in collaboration with the "Libera Universita degli Studi di Roma", held on 27 January a colloquium entitled L 'io e l'altro. Approccio storico-teoretico di indole francescana, at which were presented the papers: E. Fiore, Francesco oltre l'io; M. Borghese, Dissoluzione giochimita dell'alterita e reazione francescana; L. Alici, La prossimita nella kenosi delta differenza: Bonaventura e Levinas; 0. Todisco, L'io per l'altro. Il "volo ut sis" di G. Duns Scoto; A. Rigobello, Originalita francescana e pensiero contemporaneo. Cf. Comm.O.F.M.Conv. 91 (1994) 93-98; Os– serv. Rom. 10.III.1994, 3. See the paper of 0. Todisco in Misc. Franc. 94 (1994) 393-440. In Madrid the "Federaci6n Interfranciscana de Espana" held on 9-11 February the Jornadas Escotistas. Papers were given by Bernardino