
412 ISIDORO DE VILLAPADIERNA um, and on the activities of the individual faculties of the same with particular stress on the Faculty of Theology, which is the largest in strength as regards professors and students, and of which form integrat– ing part the "Studium Biblicum Franciscanum" of Jerusalem and the Franciscan Institute of Spirituality. See the report in Anton. 69 (1994) 565-587. B. Faes de Mottoni read the paper S. Bonaventura e la ministeri– alita degli angeli, which was later published in Anton. cit. 405-416. - Regarding the publications of the Athenaeum "Antonianum", see the Rector's report cited above. We here mention only vol. XIII of the series Dimensioni spirituali of the Franciscan Institute of Spirituality: 0. van Asseldonk, Lo Spirito da la vita. Chiara, Francesco e i penitenti (see above, 299s). At the "Seraphicum", the St Bonaventure Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Friars Minor Conventual, coinciding with the annual commemoration of the translation of the body of St Bonaventure, the Patron of the Faculty, a symposium entitled La Facolta di S. Bonaven– tura a servizio delta Chiesa e dell'Ordine was held on 14 March. G. Odoardi presented the paper La Facolta di S. Bonaventura nei 90 anni delta sua ripresa e attivita con un alunno d'eccezione: S. Massimiliano Kolbe and J.A. Merino (Rector of "Antonianum"), presenting the book Bonaventura da Bagnoregio by A. Pompei, discoursed on Il pensare Jran– cescano. Cf. Comm. O.F.M.Conv. 91 (1994) 98-101, 199-222. - On 15 October the academic year 1994-95 was formally inaugurated and F. Ossanna delivered the talk Sant'Antonio di Padova, nell'VIII centenario della sua nascita. See Comm. cit. 353-361. - The Faculty started the new publication series I maestri Jrancescani of which the following works are already out: 1. A. Pompei, Bonaventura da Bagnoregio. Il pensare francescano (Ed. Miscellanea Francescana, 373 pp., cf. Coll. Franc. 64 [1994] 414-416); 2. A. Pompei, Francesco d'Assisi. Intenzionalita teologico– pastorale delle Fanti Francescane (see above, 274-276) 3. P. Iannelli, Lo Studio teologico OFMConv. del San Lorenzo Maggiore di Napoli. Cenni storici e serie dei reggenti, lettori e studenti (1488-1848). Guardiani del convento (1482-1990) (see above, 367). The "Centro Studi Antoniani" of the Conventual Fathers of Padua has brought out in its series Fanti e Studi Francescani, IV. Inventari, 3: Guida alla documentazione francescana in Emilia-Romagna II: Parma e Piacenza (XVIII-584 pp.; see above, 351s), and in Corpus Musicum Franciscanum: 7/1. Gerolamo Ferrari da Mondondone, Opere sacre e pro– fane raccolte a stampa e manoscritti. Introduzione e trascrizione di J.