
CHRONICLE SELECT NEWS OF FRANCISCAN SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES IN 1994 I. SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTES Our Historical Institute published vol. XVII of Franciscan Biblio– graphy 1990-1992 (688 pp.). Two new vols. in the series Bibliotheca Seraphico-Capuccina too were brought out: 44. Ludovico cla Fossombrone e l'Orcline cappuccino, ed. Vincenzo Criscuolo (see above, 372-374) 45. Chiara cl'Assisi. Presenza, clevozione e culto, ed. Vincenzo Criscuolo (422 pp., ils.). Il beato Pietro cla Magliano e !'Osservanza francescana, vol. 43 of the same series published in 1993, was officially released on 16 April 1994 at the Comune of Magliano Marche, by V. Criscuolo, our President. Besides, the Institute has to its credit two other new publica– tions outside its official series: I cappuccini. Fanti clocumentarie e narra– tive clef primo secolo (1525-1619), ed. V. Criscuolo (1238 pp.), and M. D'Alatri, I cappuccini. Storia d'una famiglia /rancescana (284 pp.), the latter of which has had a second edition in November (see above, 330s). The St Bonaventure College of the Friars Minor at Grottaferrata (Rome) has added to the series Bibliotheca Franciscana Scholastica Meclii Aevi the twenty-sixth volume: Rogeri Marston Quocllibet quatuor. Editio secunda ad £idem codicum nunc primum edita studio et cura G.}. Etz– korn et I.C. Brady (87'''-550 pp.). Though at the Pontifical Athenaeum "Antonianum" in Rome the lectures commenced on 10 October the formal and solemn inauguration of the academic year 1994-95 took place, as has become customary, on 8 November along with the annual commemoration of Blessed John Duns Scotus. Jose Antonio Merino, the Rector, presented an elaborate report on the state of the personnel and academic studies of the Athenae-