
426 ISIDORO DE VILLAPADIERNA The exhibition will be repeated in Rome, Milan, Bologna as well as in other cities. The "Ente Ottava Medievale" of Orte (Viterbo) organized on 12-13 November the Ninth Day of study for the history of Tuscia, called I tesori di Orte. Among the lectures given, we refer to C. Frugoni's La tavola /rancescana di Orte. To the romanticized work Franrois d'Assise by Joseph Delteil (Paris 1960, see Coll. Franc. 30 [1960] 334s) was given a scenic version by R. Bouvier and A. Hakim, and was staged at the "Centre Culture! Suisse" of Paris from 13 April to 2 May. Cf. Etudes 380 (1994) 829s. The "Compagnie Gilles Pajon" of Ardon realized a new "mise en scene" of the theatrical piece Le petit pauvre (St Francis) of Jacques Copeau (Paris 1990), which was staged at Ardon on 21, 23, 25 and 27 May, at Orleans on 13 June, and at Clery-St.-Andre on 17 June. Christian Robin's Le Tres-Bas [Francis of Assisi] (Paris 1992, cf. Coll. Franc. 64 [1994] 368), a literary composition, has already been scenically represented by the "Compagnie du Jour" at Grenoble, Reims and Besarn;:on; it has again been staged by the "Compagnie La Square" in the Crypt St Agnes of St Eustachius church in Paris from 1 October to 20 December. The stage play Prima piccola pianta on St Clare was performed on 16 March in the municipal theatre of Besarn;:on by the group "Le theatre EnVie". IV. CELEBRATIONS, NOMINATIONS, AWARDS The seventh centenary of the arrival of the Minorite John of Mon– tecorvino in Peking (Beijing) in his capacity as Nicholas IV' s legate, was commemorated by the Salerno-Lucania Province of the Friars Minor with a seminar dedicated to the figure of this great missionary. Cf. Osserv. Rom. 15.III.1994. The 250th death anniversary of the Capuchin Francis Horace Oli– vieri of Pennabilli, a missionary in Tibet and Nepal, was celebrated with a cultural function in his native town on 15 June in the presence of the Dalai Lama XIV. On this occasion was published the booklet Breve ragguaglio de! Regno del Tibet (1738) di Orazio Olivieri delta Penna missionario cappuccino (Pennabilli 1680 - Patan, Nepal 1745), ed. Elio Marini (see above, 375s).