
CHRONICLE Of 1994 425 sorship of the Cultural Council, at a meeting m which C. Leonardi and F. Rodini spoke, the book M. Bigaroni - H.-R. Meier - E. Lun– ghi, La Basilica di S. Chiara in Assisi (see above, 407s) was presented on 12 November in the Palace of the Comune of Assisi. An item of novelty and rarity: Our Institute' s publication, vol. 37 of Bibliotheca Seraphico-Capuccina: Marco Bartoli, Chiara d 'Assisi (363-(68] pp. ils.) has been translated into Chinese in Taiwan. To commemorate the Centennial VIII of St Clare's birth, the "Isti– tuto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro" of Lisbon fitted out a biblio– graphical exhibition with the title Santa Clara e as clarissas em Portugal, under the direction of the Capuchin Francisco Leite de Faria. The 85 items exhibited are described in the catalogue of the same title (124 pp., ils.). In many places art exhibitions were organized in connection with St Clare's Centennial. At Assisi in the Basilica of St Mary of the Angels the iconographic exposition S. Chiara "Gioisci... " was opened on 19 February, at which function S. Gieben and M. D'Alatri, both members of our Historical Institute, read papers on Iconografia di S. Chiara lungo i secoli. From 24 April to 26 June in Uden (Holland) at the "Museum voor Religieuze Kunst" there was an exposition entitled Clara, 1193-1993, in de Nederlanden; in the catalogue that bears the same title there is an article by S. Gieben - K. van Dooren, De Heilige Clara in de kunst, 35-43. In Paris (Ve mairie) the exposition dedicated to St Clare Claire d'Assise et ses monasteres en France. Percours historique du XIII' siecle a nos jours, remained open to the public from 20 September to 18 December. Again, at the "Centre Cultural du Pantheon" in Paris the "Comite de 3e Centenaire" conducted an exposition with the title Beau– te et pauvrete: !'art chez les clarisses de France. An exhibition catalogue paged 224 was also made available. The Regional Province of Palermo and the Centre of Culture and Spirituality "Duns Scoto" organized at the Centro Arte Contemporanea - Museo del Santuario Maria SS. of Gibilmanna a display of Michele Canzoneri's Del Giudizio, the theme of the large stained glass window of the cathedral of Cefalu. The exhibition was inaugurated on 25 June with a seminar and remained open till 25 October. The iconographic exhibition of the painter Gino Covili's Francesco took place at San Damiano in Assisi from 18 September to 12 October.