
424 ISIDORO DE VILLAPADIERNA Padua have published Sant'Antonio di Padova, I sennoni. Traduzione di Giordano Tollardo (1269 pp.). - The proceedings of the Congress m commemoration of Centennial VIII of St Clare entitled Las clarisas en Espana y Portugal, held in Salamanca from 20 to 25 September 1993, have appeared, the first part Archivos, Historia (59 papers) in Archivo Ibero-Americano 54 (1994) 1200 pp., and the second part Espiritualidad, arte, literatura (43 essays) in the review Verdad y Vida 52 (1994) 962 pp. Copies of both volumes are available separately from the periodicals. The publishing of the works of St Bonaventure in a Latin-Italian bilingual edition, sponsored by the Italian Conference of the Provincial Ministers O.F.M. and brought out by the Citta Nuova Editrice of Rome in the series "Nuova Collana Bonaventuriana", has already rea– ched the sixth of its proposed twenty-three volumes. This year appeared vol. VI/1: Sermoni teologici. I: Collationes in Hexaemeron/Collazioni sull'Exa– meron. Traduzione di Pietro Maranesi; introduzione, revisione e note a cura di Bernardino de Armellada (472 pp.). - The Collection "Works of St Bonaventure" of the Franciscan Institute of St Bonaven– ture University, edited by George Marcil, too made progress with the publication of its vol. V: St Bonaventure's Writings concerning the Francis– can Order. Introduction and translation by Dominic Monti (IX-282 pp.). - The publishers "Franciscanum" of the Third Order Regular (Rome, Tor dei Conti, 31) have brought out G. Andreozzi, Il Terzo Ordine Regolare di S. Francesco nella sua storia e nelle sue leggi (3 vols., 1264 pp.). Patronized by the Conference of the Franciscan Provincial Ministers of Spain (CONFRES), a new series appeared with the title Escritores Franciscanos Espanoles, of which the first volume is: Antonio de Gueva– ra, Relax de Principes. Estudio y edici6n de Emilio Blanco (LXXVII-1088 pp.). Cf. Acta O.F.M. 113 (1994) 214-216. On 3 March at Viterbo M.A. Tomassini's Scritti di una suora Jran– cescana viterbese Lilia Maria de! SS.ma Crocifisso (Viterbo 1994) was pre– sented during a seminar organized by the Association "Pro Suor Lilia Maria de! SS. Crocifisso" at which G. Fioroni, E. Piacentini and C. Bove were the speakers. - At Vieste in Foggia was held the presenta– tion of M. Siena's book Il convento dei cappuccini di Vieste, about which see Coll. Franc. 64 (1994) 461s. - On 12 October at the "Palazzo della Cultura di Latina" M. D'Alatri of our Historical Institute presen– ted the book Protagonisti. Esperienze di vita cristiana in Terra Pontina by F. Accrocca (Latina, Ed. II Gabbiano, 212 pp.). - Under the span-