
420 ISIDORO DE VILLAPADIERNA The Second National Congress of Medieval Philosophy organized by the Spanish Society of Medieval Philosophy, took place at Saragossa (Zaragoza) on 15-16 December. In its last paper, Prerrefonna y moderni– dad, Prof. J.M.G. Gomez-Heras dwelt expressly with the Philosophy of William of Ockham, to whose philosophical Work a seminar was devoted. For specifics of this meeting, cf. Rev. Agustiniana 36 (1995) 267-282. We close this report with an account of the principal academic and cultural functions with which in this 1994 the Eighth Centennial of St Clare's Birth was concluded. On 30 January at Anagni, under the auspices of the Committee for the Eighth Centennial, a symposium was held, the proceedings of which have already been published: Chiara d'Assisi, donna nuova, ed. Felice Accrocca (S. Maria degli Angeli-Assisi, Edizioni Porziuncola, 1994, 178 pp.). The St Paul Theological Study and the Franciscan Movement of Sicily together organized in Catania on 25-26 February a seminar on Poverta, giustizia, riconciliazione. The papers on St Clare were: D. Cicca– relli, Contributo alla tradizione manoscritta clariana; F. Gullo, Il "privilegi– um paupertatis" in Chiara; C. Migliazzo, Rilettura del "privilegium paupertatis" per l'ogg,i. On 24 March at the Nikolaus-Cusanus-Akademie in Brixen (Bressa– none) there was a one-day meeting, at which the main speaker was L. Lehmann, Klara van Assisi. Ihre Bedeutung fur heute. A cycle of Days of Study and Reflection on St Clare entitled Dialoghi con Chiara d'Assisi, continued its course at the sanctuary San Damiano of Assisi. The themes treated were: Maria Jonna di vita di santa Chiara (23-24 April), Memoria del Testamento e delta Regola (18-19 June); La Jemminilita di santa Chiara sposa di Cristo (16-17 July). On 6 May a one-day seminar was organized by the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Athenaeum "Antonianum" of Rome, with the following programme: S. Gieben, L'immagine di Chiara attraverso i secoli; L. Lehmann, Chiara, donna nuova, nel movimento femminile de! suo tempo; M.F. Dima, Vivere da clarissa ogg,i. In the Faculty of Theology of the University of Montreal (Quebec) there took place on 11-13 May a colloquium devoted to the theme Claire d'Assise: feminite et spiritualite, at which the papers given were: M. Bartoli, La vie de Claire d 'Assise, nouvelles perspectives historiques; D. Anger, Les mouvements religieux feminins aux XII'-XIII• siecles; D.