
in Ephemerides Theologicae Lo– vanienses, 1957.) «Thi:, is a first-class manual of Dogmatic Theology and we know of none better. Its contents, taking due note of modern developments i.n theology, are ample enough to satisfy all but the specialist, yet not wearying for the general rea– der. Quotations from sources, from adversarii as well as from ortho– dox teachers, are abundant, wi– thout being tedious, and are most happi!y selected. Structure, dispo– sition and presentation of mate– rial are balanced, clear and orde– red. The author's style is terse, pleasant and free from obscuri– ties. The printers have done their work artistically, and the generous use of different types makes the page a delight to the eye... This schema, with the fine quality of paper used and the excellence of typography throughout, makes for a really attractive handbook ... The over-all impression is one of vitality and freshness. This, one feels, is due non only to the au– tnor's erudifüon and to his skill as a writer, but also to the fact that he presents the doctrines of the faith not as isolated theses of an arid, abstract science, but as a systeme of living truths to be ap– prehended, meditated upon and made the guiding principles of our service to God. » (P. J. H., in Irish Ecclesiaslical Record.) <:Nei singoli trattati, in linea di massima, si riscontra la classica divisione e successione delle tesi, presenta te dai grandi scolastici. .. 'l'uttavia, i singoli argomenti sono sviluppati con quella armonica e sintetica completezza, richiesta dai manuali di t eología dogmatica, e la mens theologica dell'autore, for– matasi ana scuola scotista, conca– tena e sviluppa l'insieme delle tesi e dei trattati offrendo agli stu– denti delle sacre discipline un com– plesso dogmatico d'indubbia e pre– ziosa chiarezza.» ( (SALVATORE M. MEO, in Marianum, 19 (1957), 275- 276.)