
Los problemas de la Misión de Etiopía As regards the interna! and more specifically missíonary problems of Ethiopia, the Sacred Congregation provided a peaceful solution for the question of territorial boundaries by allocating the greater part of the Shoa to the vicariate among the Galla and entrusting to the ConsolataFathers the area of Kafa which, in 1913, was separated from the vicariate to forma Prefecture Apostolic. Inventiveness and adaptation were the keynotes of missionary method in the Ethiopian mission. The Sacred Congrega– tion placed ful! confidence in the shrewd judgement of the two great apostles, De Jacobis and Massaia. Their own personal work resulted in the planting and organiza– tion of the Church and their example and methods were followed by successive mis– s1onanes. Ethiopia's admission t':.> rhe League of Nations in 1923, which had been promoted by the missionaries themselves, brought a new era of greater freedom and toleration for the Catholic missions in the Ethiopian empire. 364