
R,rovet!r, surtir, abastecer Proveerse de géneros Pr,ovisión, abastecimiento Provisionalmente Prpvisto de géneros (estar -) Próximo futuro Próximo (pasado) Público (el - , la mayoría dd pú– blico) Punto de (estar a - ) 185 To purvey, to supply. (Vide •surtirse»). To supply oneself with goods. Purveyance. Temporarily. To be stocked in goods, to be supplied with goods. Next. Las!, ultimo, (ult.). People (the masses of !he peo– ple.) 1 To be about to. Q - Quedar, estar satisfecho Quedar en suspenso Quedaríamos muy agradecidos si V. tuviese la bondad dt ... Queja Quejarse de Quiebra Quiebra (hacer - ) Quiebra (declararse en - ) Quiera (cuando quiera) To be glad, to be satisfied. To stay. to remain in abeyance. We sould be much obliged to you if you were so kind as to... , if you had the goodness, the kindness of, to ... Complaint. To complain of. Failure, bankrupt. To fail. To become bankrupt, to declare (one's) failure . At any time . -R - Ramo de negocios Razón social (bajo la - ) Realizar. .. una compra 'Reanudar, renovar las relaciones Rebaja Recargar Rechazar (cheque, pedido, &.) Recibir avise Recibir gratas noticias de 11110 Recibo Recibo de la presente (al - ) Trade, lines, line of business. Style (under the -) To rcalise a purchase. . To renew thc relations . Reduction. To overcharge. To rej cct, to refuse. To rccive a notification of, an instruction of. To hear favourably from one 1 Receipt. On receiving the present, upon the receipt of this.