
184 Presentarse para una colocación Pre~ente (v. gr. la presente tie– ne por objeto manifestarle que.. .) Presente (carta) Presente (por la - me tomo la li– bertad de...) Préstamo Prestar apoyo a una persona, ayudarla Prestar Prestar un gran servicio Presupuesto (el - ) Pretextar Previamente Prima (s~guros) Primera de cambio Principio (al - ) Principios de mes, etc. (para, a-) Probabilidad Probabilidad de (no hay - ) Probable que (es - ) Probar Procedimiento Procurador oficial Producir Producir beneficio Producto de una venta Prolongar un préstamo Promesa (hacer una promesa) Prometer Pronto, pronta Proporcionar beneficio Proposición Propósito para (a - ) Prórroga (conceder una - ) Prosperar (un negocio) Protestar de una cosa Protestar por falta de aceptación Protestar por falta de pago Protestar un giro Proveedor. abastecedor To apply for a situation. The present has for object tó in– forro you that .• Present, letter. Herewith, hereby ( - 1 am taking the Ji berty of.. .) Loan To help somebody, to render . assis1ance to somebody. To lend, to accomodate somebo- dy with. . To render a grest service. Estimate. To state Prexiously, beforehand. Premium. First of Exchange. At first. By, at the beginning of month. Chance. There is no chance of, to. T here is every probability that. To taste. Proceeding. Official Receiver. To produce, to turn out. To show profit. Proceeds. To renew a loan , To make a promise. To promise. Early. To bring benefit. Proposal: Suitable for. Prolongation, extensión of time (to allow an - ) To be put in a fair way (busi- ness). To object to a thing. To protest for non-acceptance. To protest for non-payment. To protest (against) a bill. Purveyor.