
Poder (p. e. oportunamente fué en nuestro poder) Poder (por - = por procuración) Póliza Ponderar mucho una cosa Poner a prueba Poner condiciones Poner en conocimiento Poner (un) precio Poner en venta Por mayor (al - ) Por menor (al - ) Portador de una carta Porte, portes Porte pagado Porvenir (el -) Poseer Posibilidad de (no hay- ) Posición financiera Posterior a la fecha Práctica en un asunto (tener - ) Precio Precio corriente Precio de compra Precio de venta Precio fijo Precio medio Precio módico, reducido Precio (a medio - ) Precio (levantar, aumentar el - ; bajar el precio) Precio (lo elevado de un - ) Precio razonable Precios (lista de - ) Preferir Pregunta (hacer una - ) Preparar, hacer los preparativos Preparar un pedido Presentación (a su - ) Presentar (a una persona) Presentar Letras Presentarse (una ocasión) Presentarse, acudir a un punto We duly received. By proxy. Policy. 183 To talk highly about a thing. To put to test. To make a condition. To inform. To make (a) price. To put up for sale~ At wholesale. At retail . Bearer. Carriage. Charges paid, post-paid. The prospect, the outlook. To be in possession. of, to po– ssess. There is no chance of, to. Credit, financia! position, comer- cial status. After the date . To have experience. Price. Current, market price. Purchase prke. Selling price. Set price. Average price. Cheap price. At half price. To raise the price, to lower th.e price, to reduce the price. Dearness. Reasonable price. Price-list, list of prices. To prefer. To ask, to put a question . To make everything ready. To make up an order. On presentation. To introduce. To present bilis. To offer (a chance). To call at sorne place.