
Importar, tener importancia (v.g. no importará nada la pequeña diferencia en los precios= the slight difference in price will be of no consequence) Importar, valer Importe Importe y finiquito (como - ) Imposible que yo, tu, etc , (es - ) Imposibilidad de... (en la - ) Impulso (dar impulso a un ne- gocio) Incluir Inconvenientes (causar - ) Indemnizar, resarcir Indicar Inducir a creer Industria Inferir, deducir Infinito (me alegro - ) Influir Iniciales (con las- ) Inscribir, asentar Inspirar confianza Instalación Instalar Instrucciones recibidas (seguir - . cumplir las - ) Intención (tener - ) Interés (poner una suma a - ) Interés compuesto Interesar (p. e. Jos artículos que más nos interesan) Introducir (una mercadería en un pais) Introducir mejoras en un negocio Intervenir Inventario Inventario (hacer el - ) Invertir una suma en un negocio To be of consequence. To amount to, to show. Amount. In settlement. 175 1t is impossible for me, for you to ... Being unable to... To put forth a business, to pus... a business. To endose. To put to considerable inconve– nience. To make up, to compensate, to make amends, to indemnify one for. To point out, to indicate, to sug- gest. To lead to believe. lndustry. To conclude. 1 am much pleased. To act on. Marked. To book. To inspire confidence. Fitting. . To fit up, to set out, to plant. To fulfil the instructions. To intend. To put a sum out to interest. Compound interest. Te goods in which we are most interested. To introduce To introduce improvement in a To interpose. [business. Stock-taking. To take (account of) stock. To invest a sum in a business.