alternativa a las cátedras de teología en la Universidad… 583 SUMmary The XVII century, in the University of Salamanca, is characteri- zed by the fights among the different corporations in order to control the main thought, manifested in the several attempts to win the most prestigious chairs of Theology, in a time in which the Dominicans were no longer in control. This leads to the appearance of groups of pressure whose theoretical framework is the interpretation of the Aquinate. The main representatives of these possible readings are the Dominicans and the Jesuits. It is precisely the progressive power acquired by the Company of Jesus that triggers an up until then unthinkable option: the creation of chairs owned by the Orders, in which the respective institutions expose their thought without any need to undergo any kind of assessment, assuring, this way, in the Study, that the reading is done according to the respective line of thought. An approach to those groups that try to operate in this perspective is also proposed: Dominicans, Jesuits, Franciscans and Benedictines.
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