
UN DOCUMENTO SINGULAR DE FRAY FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE JACA, ACERCA DE LA ESCLAVITUD... R. I ., 2001, n.º 223 713 Fray Francisco José de Jaca is the first objector of the institution and practice of the black slav- ery at the end of the XVII century. With the documents now presented that are previous to their great abolitionist polemic, it can be proved that their condemnation of the slavery went directed to all the cases in which the person's rights were not respected, among which also the indians contributed, who were subjected to a practical slavery by what he openly calls, the sale of «ncomiendas». K EY WORDS : Francisco José de Jaca, slavery, indians, legality, history of ideas. Fecha de recepción: 10 de Enero de 2001. Fecha de aceptación: 5 de Septiembre de 2001.